
Too much free time, or.. How I spent my Saturday night...
I am so pleased with my dog right now. I am pleased because he is only 3 months old, and already he can sit still long enough for me to subject him to numerous forms of 'entertainment' (for myself).

The following are pictures of my dog and his dramatic makeover... Well, maybe not dramatic, but it's a good start.

He is so naive... Playing with his can... (which happens to be the only way that I can get him to stay still long enough for me to take a picture that shows how much he's grown)

'I know that look... What are you planning on doing now?' He thinks, as he stares at me, judging... Always judging...

'Please... No... Anything but that...' He begs, but I am without mercy.

'Come here!' I tell him, not really giving him a choice.

As many paws as I could fit in one picture...

It is a work of art... Beautiful colour. It complements his colouring wonderfully...

'How could you do this to me?' He questions.

What he does with his new found beauty...

He is lucky that he's fairly dark colours.
My parents dog, Bailey, is blonde... but he has been red, purple, blue, and hot pink. My mom says that 'colouring' the dog's fur is cruel, but I say if he sits still enough for the manic panic (the dye I used, which does not create any fumes or burning sensation.. I know because I once used it on myself) to set then he is only getting what he deserves. Just like if Bailey sat still long enough for me to give him a David Bowie Labyrinth inspired hair cut, it's his own fault.

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