
Things Learned While Cleaning Toilets

It would seem there is an unwritten universal law that, if you are going to have an intense bowel movement in a public setting, you must do so in the handicapped stall. Perhaps this is because the handicapped stall offers more space to maneuver, or perhaps it is because each handicapped stall offers a metal bar, securely fastened to the wall, which one can grip and bear down on while dropping an atomic sized bomb.


Accidentally Me said...

The first line of this literally made me dribble water down my chin laughing...

Jallápenno said...

that's pretty gross. I know I generally use the wheelchair stall, but that's because I generally have a 3 year old and a stroller with me, and those things take up space. I try to avoid giant poops in public places though, as a rule.

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan,

It seems like you are pretty keen on writing about your shits and shit in general. Awesome!!!