
For some reason they find my sarcasm and indifference to them endearing

"The boys all have crushes on you," he told me, elbowing me in the side in an attempt to somehow lend credence to his point.
"Dude," I paused, "one told me earlier this morning that I have body odour and another one just finished trying to tell me I have dandruff - neither of which is true, I just went and checked in the bathroom to make sure."
"Which proves my point," he laughed and waggled his eyebrows.
"You think you know every thing because you are married now," I glared at him, but he merely shrugged his shoulders and walked away.
I had forgotten that there was a five year window in which boys acted like complete douche bags in order to show their affection.


SjElizabeth said...

A five year window? You're being generous. Most of the men I know don't seem to have been able to completely leave that tendency behind :)

K. Restoule said...

Yeah well.... we get confused between the girls..Ewww and the Girls Yum phases.

Were simple creatures that take pride in the simple things, like peeing while standing up.